310 Fitness

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Want to Sleep Better?  Lift some weights...

Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to improve your heart, brain, and overall health, and it is also important to get a good night's rest.

 In March 2022, The American Heart Association study found that individuals who regularly completed RESISTANCE training slept better and longer than those who took part in cardio exercise.

In fact, the participants who did muscle-building exercises slept, on average, 17 minutes longer!

Of course, you don't want your exercise routine—whether aerobic, resistance, or both—to hurt your sleep. To ensure that, avoid working out too close to bedtime so that your body has a chance to be in homeostasis, i.e., normal heart rate, body temperature, breathing rate, and so on.  

For strength training and other sleep tips contact us at 310 Fitness to set up your complimentary training session.